Seventh Chakra Educational Manual


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Chakra Education Series – Everything is an energy pattern that creates your health and sense of well being. As you understand how to process your energy patterns differently you are able to ground your energy circuits to the Earth and to your Source, allowing the creation of new energy patterns to manifest your spiritual purpose.

In every healing modality, including the medical model there are no absolutes or guarantees. Everyone’s experience in healing is different and perfect for their higher learning. I believe if one person can let go and heal, that means we all can. – Sharlene Young

Learn about this symbolic system for understanding the human psyche, the physical body, and its associated emotional states.

The seventh chakra or crown chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow our spirituality to become part of our physical lives and guide us.

The seventh chakra is the entry point for the human life force which pours endlessly into the human energy system from source. This force nurtures the body, mind and the spirit. It distributes itself throughout the physical body and the lower six chakras.

Accompanying Rapid Eye Technology (RET) sessions highly recommended.

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