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Why Clear Your Chakras?

Let’s look at what we hold in each chakra. Check out my store for the “Clearing Your 12 Chakras” series audio MP3 files that address each chakra.

Tenth Chakra

This chakra holds our spiritual purpose for being here and our ability to manifest in the physical world. Issues associated with this Chakra: Confusion, ungrounded, stuck, not wanting to come or be here, unable to connect to life purpose, unable to separate your feelings from others, lack of daily energy, problems with feet, ankles, legs, weight, adrenals, avoidance, feeling spacey, paranoia or schizophrenia, disassociation.

  • Developmental Ages: Pre-birth, 35-42 years

The challenge at this developmental age is to connect with true identity through our experiences with work, relationships and lifestyles. Midlife crisis during this period assists us to look again at, Who am I?, What have I come to experience for my highest purpose?

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

First Chakra

This chakra is holds the birth, survival and beliefs about what we deserve.

Issues associated with this Chakra: emulates our physical survival needs, addictions, sexuality, passion, money issues, housing, food, clothing, loving relationship, where our tribe (family or DNA) information are stored and birth issues.

  • Developmental Ages: 0-6 months, 14-15, 21-28, 56-63, 70-77 years

Experiences that developed during this age span form our family values, beliefs, feelings about ourselves, our right to exist, our right to occupy space, our right to be loved and our right to get our needs met.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Second Chakra

This chakra is the center of our feelings, relationships, creativity and sexuality. Issues associated with this Chakra: This is the center of our feelings and creativity. It controls our appetite for sensation be it through sound, touch, smell, sight or taste. This chakra shifts from obeying the tribal or family authority to discovering other relationships. Also addictions, abandonment, poverty, isolation, sexual issues and our greatest fears are held here.

Developmental Ages: 6 months -2 1/2, 15-16, 28-35, 70-77, 77-85 years

Here we seek to create, Can earn a living?, Can I find a partner?, Can I create joy? We choose to become numb or disconnect from our feelings and how to create relationship based on the tribal examples.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Third Chakra

This chakra holds judgments, personal power, self esteem, will and the ability to discern. Issues associated with this Chakra: This chakra is about our individual identify our self esteem and how we feel about ourselves. It deals with issues of personal power, determines our quality of life, our capacity to succeed in business, relationships, healing and intuitive process.

  • Developmental Ages: 2 1/2 – 4 1/2 , 16-17, 35-42, 70-77 years

The bond we form with ourselves is most crucial in our ability to make healthy choices or decisions. Issues common here are digestion or metabolism disorders, weight issues, power issues, boundary or control dramas, codependency, care giving or mixing up love and power needs.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Fourth Chakra

This chakra is about relationships, love, compassion, inner desires, healing and direct link to Source. Source and Earth energy are blended here. Issues associated with this Chakra: All issues come through the heart chakra and balance cannot happen in the system until it happens here. Issues held in the heart chakra create how we experience self acceptance, acceptance of others, trust, and well being, a sense of what you need, abundance, prosperity and good health. You cannot truly give love if your system cannot truly receive love.

  • Developmental Ages 4 1/2 – 6 1/2, 17-18, 42-49, 77-85 years

We develop how we experience loving relationships, to give and receive, to be passionate, to be firm, to be self protective and self loving.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Fifth Chakra

This chakra is about expression, wisdom, responsibility, truth and connection to other places. Issues associated with this Chakra: This chakra represents are uses of manifesting for self protection and how we express what we feel and think, desire and detest. We hold issues here about self worth, responsibility, our right to manifest and communicate our needs and beliefs to others.

  • Developmental Ages 6 1/2 to 8 1/2, 18-19, 49-56, 85-92 years

If we are unable to express or speak our truth we get stuck in emotional blocks and the illusion of our environment. Our ability to discern and filter all incoming information about truth.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Sixth Chakra

This chakra is about our insight, creation, vision, self images, self esteem, intuition, choice and consequences. Issues associated with this Chakra: This chakra is about the development of our self image and puberty. Here the possibility of what we want to do, what we want to be and what we want out of life generates. Disconnecting from this chakra can create betrayal of self and the inability to achieve your connection to your divine path or life plan.

  • Developmental Ages 8 1/2 -14, 19-20, 56-63, 92-99 years

During this development we are making a stand about who we are, if we get stuck in others expectations of who we are our self image is abandoned here. Our emotional feeling may feel more powerful than our inner wisdom.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Seventh Chakra

This chakra is about our spiritual self, divine awareness or oneness with all, it connects conscious and unconscious planes.

Issues associated with this Chakra: Problems in the seventh chakra include; schizophrenia, multiple personalities, major depression, headaches, disassociation or being ungrounded, imbalance of any type, lack of self understanding, and lack of direction.

  • Developmental Ages 14-21, 20-21, 63-70, 99-106 years

Energy of this chakra influences the majority of the bodies system. It holds the awareness of our own purpose and our own guiding principles.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Eighth Chakra

This chakra is about our insight, creation, vision, self images, self esteem, intuition, choice and consequences. Issues associated with this Chakra: This chakra holds all we have ever seen, done, or said and connects us with what others have experienced. It hold the past, present, future and destiny points, and also the ability to change these decisions Many of our time issues can be resolved here.

  • Developmental Ages 21-28 years

Information about our DNA issues we came to work out and healing we seek to acquire are part of this chakra development. This is a valuable contact point in healing chronic physical and emotional problems and difficult relationships.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Ninth Chakra

This chakra contains life purpose and contains tasks to accomplish life’s purpose, laws of limitlessness and abundance. Issues associated with this Chakra: This chakra contains the energy of change and creation. It contains the blueprint or master plan for this lifetime. This chakra is directly related to the function of the tenth chakra. It holds the most painful things we came to experience, the physical characteristics, spiritual blocks, emotional patterns, mental perceptions and process that assist us in experiencing in what we came to learn and heal.

  • Developmental Ages 28-35 years

Major life changes, divorce, changing careers, giving birth to a child all happen to assist us to make life changes necessary to move forward and receive knowledge from this chakra.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Eleventh Chakra

This chakra recycles external energy into usable energy for the body, and extends beyond to spiritual energy points. Issues associated with this Chakra: The function of this chakra is to convert external energy into usable energy for our bodies. It also releases energy no longer needed by our body. It is an entry point for receiving or giving energy designed to meet our needs or deal with situations.

  • Developmental Ages 42-49 years

Resisting personal growth or staying stuck in pain, physical, emotional and mental, not being aware of our physical world, unable to filter others negative energy from your body.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

Twelfth Chakra

The twelfth chakra affects and is affected by everything in our spiritual and material self. Issues associated with this Chakra: Any and all body pain, specific organ problems and illnesses and feeling spiritually cut off. It connects numerous in-body and spinal chakra points creating a connection to our spiritual energy and allows more of our spiritual essence to come into the physical and our unique point in the center of the Earth.

  • Developmental Ages 49-56 years

The point in the center of the Earth is a major factor in accepting and utilizing our spiritual essence and allowing our physical survival to tap into Earth element. This period is about bringing wholeness and unconditional love into being human.

Clearing audio: You experience a guided imagery that puts you in your column of light, which is simply your unique connection to Source, the physical body, and to the Earth. Several processes including Release Techniques and Positive Reframes assists you in releasing blocks in each chakra and auric level. Once the blocks or unwanted DNA patterns are removed the experience is Reframed to create what you would rather experience. Then new job descriptions replace the old patterns, including DNA patterning.

2 thoughts on “Why Clear Your Chakras?

  1. How to purchase the hard copy Chraka books

    1. Thank you for your interest, Janet. You may purchase all Sharlene’s non-digital books and CDs from the RET Store at

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